Join the League

Educate. Participate. Advocate.

Join the Asheville – Buncombe
League of Women Voters

(Already a member? Click for the Member Portal)

The League of Women Voters (LWV) is a national grassroots organization where individuals like you actively engage in creating positive change on the local, state, and national levels. Please consider adding your voice to the over 150,000 League members across the nation. Become a member, serve as a leader in your community, and work to shape the important issues that keep our communities strong.

You do not have to be a resident of Buncombe County to join our League. Several neighboring counties do not have a local League, but members from those counties are welcome to be active in LWV of Asheville-Buncombe. If you are thinking of joining, we welcome your ideas and your energy.

The League of Women Voters of Asheville-Buncombe County is entirely volunteer based. Our members are responsible for continuing and improving the League’s presence throughout our community. We collect annual membership dues that help support our work and the work of the national and North Carolina Leagues.

The LWV is now using the Chapter Spot platform to collect dues and track members. The LWV has adopted a “pay what you can” model. The LWVUS recommends that standard dues be $75.00 per person per year with a minimum of $20.00. However, the LWVAB Board decided that we will keep our dues at $50.00 per year with the same minimum of $20.00. Whatever amount is indicated in membership dues will be divided between the LWVUS (33%), LWVNC (47%), and LWVAB (20%). There is no longer a household membership category, each individual must join separately. Members of a household need not each pick the same amount for dues. There is also no longer a student membership. Dues are not tax deductible and whatever amount is given will be divided as described above. Memberships will be on a rolling basis depending on when an individual joins the league. This site has some helpful FAQs.

Ways to Join/Renew

There are three ways to join.

  1. The preferred method is ACH, an electronic payment method that requires typing the numbers at the bottom of a check. This method has the lowest fees, maximizing the amount of money going to League work.

  2. The second option is to pay online by credit/debit card. The League is using the Stripe payment system.

  3. The third option is by check. The check needs to be made out to LWVUS and mailed to LWVAB, PO Box 8292, Asheville, NC 28814.

Got a question? Send an email to

Join the League of Women Voters  JOIN


Already a member? Click for the Member Portal

The first time a member engages with Chapter Spot they will receive a questionnaire. Please complete this questionnaire as it provides us with valuable information about our members and their interests.

If you want to make a tax-deductible donation that will go only the LWVAB you will need to send a check for the Florence Ryan Education Fund as described under donate on our website. In the future we expect to be able to accept FREF donations electronically.  Use our league address if you have questions.